Sunday, August 13, 2006

Mr. Professional

Steve continues to grate on my nerves. Fortunately I rarely have to see him, except the occassional ride. He did show up Friday night for no apparent reason. I missed the call and it was a garbled message. But there was no reason for him to just stop by. And I was never really comfortable when he used to do that. Heading into my third week of days so I'll be able to avoid him again this week.

On Saturday he did give me a ride into work. Once upon a time he was a performance coach. That was a short lived thought. He continues to claim that there was no reason for his demotion. Steve also said that recently he and Cheryl were out in the smoking area and she said she could find nothing in his file. Now, maybe it's just me, but the smoking area is not the right place to have that conversation. And all that proves is that it wasn't documented very well. Considering it was two years ago and the manager was fired not long afterwards that's not really a surprise.

He has said before that females complained... Hmm... seems to me HR has to take any complaints seriously. He also openly disgareed with the team manager that he was assigned to. Personally I do not find him approachable which is one of the things they look for when hiring performance coaches. And his troubleshooting leaves a lot to be desired. He seems to believe reinstallng the OS is often the solution.. while I rarely reinstall. Then there was the paintjob he decided to do on the van. He decided to paint slogans on the van about child abuse. As someone in leadership at the company that isn't really professional. I'm not sure if he was Mr. Negative before that... or after but it's definitely noticeable. Makes it hard to be put up for advancement. Either way... he absolutely denies that he had anything to do with it and thinks he was just demoted to set an example... He was a guinea pig, at least in his eyes.

Now he's up for Tier 2. That scares me just as much. For one, Steve has the attitude that he is the best tech support agent in the place, next to me any ways. He does give me a lot of credit but some of it is just flattery in the hopes that it will win him some points. I'm not fond of people with a god complex... and going on and on tht he deserves the position. I just had to send feedback on him for providing incorrect information, and for reinstalling unecessarily. So the second reason I am scared is that he would then be passing on his troubleshooting steps to other agents. I'm concerned about what his advice would be... I am also concerned that he'd be telling almost everyone to reinstall. The last reason I am scared is that he would then be downstairs. This one is not a big concern but with him upstairs I can really limit how often I see him. He knows I will not go upstairs since there is the possibility of seeing Mike. And currently he is not allowed downstairs after he had a shouting match with jarratt while on the floor.

Maybe I am just spiteful. I want him to be turned down just so that it knocks him down a peg or two. With him going for Tier 2 it makes me a little more reluctant to apply for another Tier 2 performance coach position... if he gets it any ways. But then I also donn't want to leave Christie's team. And right now I have to continue to prove myself for a while longer before I can apply for anything.

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