Sunday, October 08, 2006


It's unusual for me to remember my dreams... and I might only remember because the cable company called and woke me up today. Actually I have been having more lucid dreams lately... probably because of the medication I am on. But any ways... in this dream I was with my family, only I was younger. The people living next door were strange. Their son was a prisoner and being mistreated. In time we went in to rescue him and took him from the house (translation: we kidnapped him). When we got him to safety we found paperwork... and this paper work indicated he was adopted. Then he was using a computer program to randomly match with good parents. It had characteristics of each person and then you choose who you wanted. At this point I was woken up. I don't think I even need to go into the dream analysis for that one. It's pretty explanatory. Apparently I can't even get away from my family in my dreams.

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