Monday, December 19, 2005

Good Day

Today was a good day. I finally got caught up on some sleep which was needed. Still battling the flu a bit so I really needed that sleep. I am glad I decided not to make up some hours and go into work. Needed the cash but overall my health is more important!

What made the day even better was the news that Dwayne had a full time job, in Oshawa. That relieves a lot of my stress since it means he has a job. More importantly, it means that he will not be staying here any longer. That sounds kind of harsh but I can only handle him in small doses. And I really didn'ty feel like I had any space at home. Nothing like feeling claustrophobic in your own home. Now if I could just find an actual roommate things would be even better.

I also got word that I should finally be getting my XBox 360 this week... just in time for Christmas. Even though I am not a gamer I am still excited about that. Finally some good news in my world.

And it is almost 2006... 2005 was such a stellar year I can't wait for it to be over. But for now... bed time for me. I have to work in the morning.

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