Tuesday, July 04, 2006

New Tattoo Idea

I came up with a new idea for a tattoo. Not sure if it will ever happen but that's what I would like to see going down my side. One on each side. Otherwise, I would like to see the one on the left on my calf.

The obvious question is why the word believe? And why the difference in colors. Basically it stands for "Believe the lie." It was a line in the Disturbed song Breathe (as well as their album title) but that is not why I want it.

For me it comes down to two things. For one, I did believe the lie and based my reality around it. Secondly, it emphasizes the fact it was a lie.

I'm not worthless. I am good enough. I have accomplished something with my life. I have a university degree, something some people did not think would happen. I am still alive. I have a stable job and for the most part I love it. Sure there are times when it's stressful but any job is like that. Yes I still doubt myself but it's hard not to and I am working on that. No question I still struggle with the fact it was a lie but getting that as a tattoo has real meaning for me... as a reminder of that. Now I just need to find the money to pay for it. Not likely going to happen but I can dream.

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